07 June 2006

May 2006 Meeting and New Board Members

The 29th Annual General Meeting of the League of Women Voters, Hong Kong Unit, was held Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at the Helena May Club with President Beth Hall presiding. There were 16 members present.

Beth welcomed the members. In the absence of Michelle Todd, Secretary, Susan Wallace read the minutes from the 28th Annual General Meeting. Karen Prieur made the motion to accept the minutes as read and Nadja Gisler seconded. The motion passed.

Beth recognized the 2005-2006 League officers and thanked them for their work. She presented each officer with a small gift of appreciation.

The Board then presented a framed, signed and numbered Lorette Roberts’ print to Beth in appreciation of her hard work as League President.

Beth informed the membership that the 2005-2006 budget had $6,000 in surplus revenue. The Board recommended to the membership that this money be donated to the American Women’s Association Charities and Education Fund. Helene Paul made the motion, Robin Ernest seconded and the motion was carried. Nancy Ryback, Treasurer, then presented a $6,000 check to Kathy Chiron, AWA President, from the membership.

Nancy Ryback, Treasurer, presented the treasurer’s report and the budget for 2006-2007. The treasurer’s report and budget are attached. Nadja Gisler made the motion to accept the report and Karen Prieur seconded. The motion carried.

Anita Chopra, League Vice- President, gave a brief oral report to the membership on the National League. Anita also reported that Beth Hall, Nancy Ryback, Cindy Carver and herself had joined the National League. As members they received informational emails from the National League. The annual convention for the National League will be June 10-13 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Nominating Committee report was given by Anita Chopra. She thanked the members who had served on the committee with her.

The 2006-2007 nominees are –

President – Susan Wallace
Vice President – Beth Hall
Secretary – Michelle Todd
Membership/Communications – Adrienne Urbanec
Treasurer- Nancy Ryback
Special Events Coordinator – Debra Joyce
Voter Services – Anita Chopra

Helene Paul made the motion to accept the board nominees. Anna Ma seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Susan Wallace, Incoming President, reviewed the meeting/program calendar for 2006-2007 with the membership.

The motion for adjournment was made by Debra Joyce and seconded by Anita Chopra.

Lunch followed the meeting. Photos of the attendees can be found
here (click on May 2006 Final Meeting).


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