May 2009 Annual General Meeting
TUESDAY, MAY 12TH , 2009
HONG KONG Convention & Exhibition Center
President Kathy Chiron called the meeting to order at approximately 11:30 am. After reading the 2008 AGM minutes Kathy asked for corrections and, when none were submitted, called for a motion to accept them as read. Susan Wallace accepted, Anita Chopra seconded and they passed unanimously.
Kathy Chiron distributed the President’s Report and highlighted the most salient activities for the year. Citing her Certificate of Appreciation award from National (LWV), our president noted this is reflective of the entire Hong Kong organization’s efforts.
A special notation was made of Jane Buck’s initiative to convert our paper records into scanned format with completion during the upcoming year.
Our President noted that the agenda for 2009-2010 was available to members but tabled passage for the newly seated board. Additionally, she encouraged members to be more actively engaged in next year’s presentations and meetings.
With the repatriation of Treasury Secretary Lynn Nill, Kathy presented the official Report and budget. A reminder was given to the incoming treasurer that although the spreadsheets have been automated, the records are currently kept in manual form. The group discussed that confusion over the cocktail reception resulted in our subsidizing the event and the fact that two members are not required to pay local dues*. Robin Brown approved the budget and report, Robin Ernest seconded the motion and passage was unanimous.
Robin Ernest then asked that the process for distributing our excess funds be explained. Kathy stated that this remains at the discretion of the board but recommended that some funds are kept in reserve.
The President distributed visors gifted from National and photos were taken. She shared that her visit to Washington D.C. headquarters was both enjoyable and informative. There is a sincere appreciation of the Hong Kong League’s bi-partisan efforts on behalf of voter causes and educational pursuits. Kathy displayed the Overseas Voting Survey and asked any interested members to review the contents.
The 2009-2010 Slate of Officers was announced and is as follows;
Position Nominee
President Debra Joyce
Vice-President Robin Ernest
Treasurer Robin Brown
Recording Secretary Adrienne Urbanec
Corresponding Secretary Amy Van Laak
Voter Services Sandra Collins-de Lange
Membership Susan Vermeulen
No additional nominations were offered from the floor, Susan Wallace moved to accept the slate as read and Jane Buck seconded the motion. Calling for a vote, Kathy noted that passage was unanimous.
TUESDAY, MAY 12TH , 2009
HONG KONG Convention & Exhibition Center
President Kathy Chiron called the meeting to order at approximately 11:30 am. After reading the 2008 AGM minutes Kathy asked for corrections and, when none were submitted, called for a motion to accept them as read. Susan Wallace accepted, Anita Chopra seconded and they passed unanimously.
Kathy Chiron distributed the President’s Report and highlighted the most salient activities for the year. Citing her Certificate of Appreciation award from National (LWV), our president noted this is reflective of the entire Hong Kong organization’s efforts.
A special notation was made of Jane Buck’s initiative to convert our paper records into scanned format with completion during the upcoming year.
Our President noted that the agenda for 2009-2010 was available to members but tabled passage for the newly seated board. Additionally, she encouraged members to be more actively engaged in next year’s presentations and meetings.
With the repatriation of Treasury Secretary Lynn Nill, Kathy presented the official Report and budget. A reminder was given to the incoming treasurer that although the spreadsheets have been automated, the records are currently kept in manual form. The group discussed that confusion over the cocktail reception resulted in our subsidizing the event and the fact that two members are not required to pay local dues*. Robin Brown approved the budget and report, Robin Ernest seconded the motion and passage was unanimous.
Robin Ernest then asked that the process for distributing our excess funds be explained. Kathy stated that this remains at the discretion of the board but recommended that some funds are kept in reserve.
The President distributed visors gifted from National and photos were taken. She shared that her visit to Washington D.C. headquarters was both enjoyable and informative. There is a sincere appreciation of the Hong Kong League’s bi-partisan efforts on behalf of voter causes and educational pursuits. Kathy displayed the Overseas Voting Survey and asked any interested members to review the contents.
The 2009-2010 Slate of Officers was announced and is as follows;
Position Nominee
President Debra Joyce
Vice-President Robin Ernest
Treasurer Robin Brown
Recording Secretary Adrienne Urbanec
Corresponding Secretary Amy Van Laak
Voter Services Sandra Collins-de Lange
Membership Susan Vermeulen
No additional nominations were offered from the floor, Susan Wallace moved to accept the slate as read and Jane Buck seconded the motion. Calling for a vote, Kathy noted that passage was unanimous.
A lovely orchid was presented to the outgoing President following which Susan Wallace made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jane Buck seconded it, accordingly. The meeting closed at 11:50 and lunch was served in the Congress room.

Champagne glasses were raised to recognize the 32nd Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of the United State-Hong Kong unit.
Submitted by Adrienne Urbanec
* Lifetime Members do not pay local dues, but are responsible for National dues. The spouse of the US Consul General, an Honorary Member, does not pay local dues but is responsible for National dues.
Submitted by Adrienne Urbanec
* Lifetime Members do not pay local dues, but are responsible for National dues. The spouse of the US Consul General, an Honorary Member, does not pay local dues but is responsible for National dues.
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