Susan Wallace welcomed the members to the October meeting, and then introduced the program and speakers. Ms. Anita To and Ms. Monique Ho from the NGO "Save the Children" gave a brief history and mission of the organizationm which is a right-based organization, as opposed to an aid based organization, and then prceeded to explain the role of the newly reopened Hong Kong office. Their mission is to educate and protect children with the ultimate goal of providing systainable solutions. A brief question and answer period followed.
Robin Brown, treasurer, conducted the business in the absence of the president, Debra Joyce. Susan Wallace read the minutes of the September meeting. Beth Hall made the motion to approve the minutes. Susan Vermeulen seconded, a vote was taken and the minutes were approved. Phyllis Lubbers was introduced as the new recording secretary. Robin then mentioned that he members who have not paid their annual dues would be contacted by email.
Clarification of monthly programs was provided by Beth Hall after member Amy Van Laak asked if members were part of the planning and approval process. Beth said members are included and vote on the programs for the upcoming year. Susan V. indicated that this year's program was an exception, but members were given the information ahead of time.
Amy Van Laak reported that the League BLOG will contain the minutes and calendar of the League minutes and can be accessed anytime by membership.
Sandra Collins-de Lange had nothing to report regarding voter registration. She did encourage everyone to contact their state representatives regarding their position on health care reform.
Robin Brown posed a question regarding US citizens overseas and taxation. Beth Hall responded by saying that there is a local advocate for US expatriates and will look into the possibility of an "educaional session" on this matter.
Robin Brown then gave the treasurer's report. The checking accout has $8,550.99. The savings account has $19,383.42. A sum of $300 will be deducted for the use of the room for the meeting, and $500 will be donated to the "Save the Children" organization. Susan Wallace made a motion to accept the report. Beth Hall seconded and the report was approved.
Bunny and Linda welcomed new members. Meeting was adjourned.
Additional photos taken at the meeting provided by Rachel Monballiu can be found at:
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Lubbers
Recording Secretary
*the minutes were approved by a quorum at the Board Meeting on November 13, 2009
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