30 January 2011

January - 2011 Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the League of Women Voters of Hong Kong

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In the absence of President Beth Hall, Loretta Cox, Vice President, opened the business meeting at 10:30 AM. Officers present included Sandra Collins-de Lange, Treasurer, Marti Law, Membership, Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary. Sandra Collins- de Lange said there were no changes to the Treasury from January; however, the February report will reflect $400 received today from Honora Rosen. Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary said the January minutes will be available shortly on the website for member review. Marti Law informed the membership that the February meeting will be on Monday, 7 February. The speaker is Dr. Nancy Sussman, author of the book “Return Migration and Identity: A Global and Local Phenomenon.” Loretta asked the membership about any new business that needed to be discussed. Since no new business was brought up the business portion of the meeting was adjourned.

Marti Law introduced our guest speaker, Ms Fermi Wong, Hong Kong Unison, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting racial equality and harmony in Hong Kong society. She spoke of her efforts for an hour, and then opened the floor for questions. It was a very educational and informative meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Lubbers’
Recording Secretary


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