25 January 2011

November 2010 - Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the League of Women Voters of Hong Kong

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Residence of Celine Bendy

The November meeting of the Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters was held at the residence of Celine Bendy, on 23 November 2010. Regine Potsatko and Celine Bendy were the co-hosts for the meeting. The documentary, Reminiscing the Handover, was edited by Joseph Bendy and he gave a brief explanation of the video. The narrator in the film was Celine Bendy. The video captures the historic Handover and it also showcases the lives of the Bendy family and friends in Hong Kong.

Beth Hall, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. A business meeting was held first,
before the documentary. Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary was not present and Marti Law, Membership, read the minutes of the 12 October 2010 meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Sandra Collins deLange, Treasurer read the report and she has not received all the dues from the membership She cannot report the amount of the contribution to the national headquarters, until all dues are received. The checking account balance is HK$13,000 and the savings account balance is HK$11,634. The Treasurers report was approved as read. Amy Van Laak, Web Communication Board Member was not able to attend the meeting.

Membership dues at the end of January will be half of the HK$400 fee for new members. This was a proposal by Debra Joyce, past President. The HK$200 will cover the remaining four meetings of the League calendar year. A motion to accept was made by Marjorie O’Brien.
Beth introduced the new member Carol Lampard and she joined the League during the meeting.

Board members Loretta Cox, vice President and Mary Chaney, Voter Services were absent today.

Beth discussed the December 14 meeting at the Disneyland Hotel. The hostess will be Robin Ernest. All members should have received an invitation by mail and only members with paid dues are eligible to attend. There will be no guests invited to the event.

Beth mentioned the school supplies drive for needy children. The League is partnering with AWA, Girl Scouts and St. James Settlement in collecting the supplies. The donations can be dropped off with these organizations and also the Church of All Nations will accept the donations.

The January meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11 January 2011 and Fermi Wong with Hong Kong Unison will be the invited guest speaker.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon

Respectfully submitted,

Marti Law


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