03 December 2009


Robin Ernest wlcomed everyone to the November meeting. She gave a brief outline of the morning's agenda, and then welcomed new members and guests before turning over the meeting to Regine Pocsatko who introduced the program and speaker. Trini Leung, PhD, the Executive Director of Carbon Care Asia, gave a presentation on our "carbon footprint." Dr. Leung explained the concept, which refers to humans' production of carbon dioxide and how it contributes to global warming, then offered solutions that we as individuals could do to offset our carbon footprint. A brief question and answer period followed. Further information on Carbon Care Asia can be found a http://www.carboncareasia.com/.

Robin Ernest, Vice President, conducted the business meeting in absence of the president, Debra Joyce. Phyllis Lubbers, recording secretary, read the minutes of the October meeting. Robin Ernest proposed that the minutes be accepted as read. Jane Buck questioned whether a quorum was present. The acceptance of the minutes was then tabled until a review of the bylaws can be made to determine what constitutes a quorum.

Robin announced that Susan Vermeulen has resigned as membership chair as she is moving to Japan, and a replacement must be found. Robin provided a brief description of the duties involved. Some of the duties include: working closely with the treasurer to maintain current records, and being responsible for the distribution and collection of nametags at the monthly meetings.

Amy Van Laak, Communications Chair reported that members can access the League BLOG archives for information on past programs, in addition to reading the minues of the previous monthly meetings. She encouraged everyone to visit the site.

Sandra-de Lange, Voter Services Chair had nothing to report regardng voter registration.

Robin Ernest read the Treasurer's Report in the absence of the Treasurer, Robin Brown. The checking account had HK$10,150.99. The savings account has HK$19, 383.42. Total assets are HK$29,534.41.

Robin Ernest reminded the membership of the upcoming meetings. On 8 December, the monthly meeting will be at the Hong Kong Disney complex. There will be a tour of the site and a luncheon to follow. On 12 January 2010, the monthly meeting will be held at the US Consulate where members will have the opportunity to meet the new Consul General and his wife. There was no new business. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Phyllis Lubbers
Recording Secretary

*1. Corrections to the minutes: Hopefully all have read on the blog site. Before we can have them approved, we have to make a correction as the meeting place was to have been the United States Consul General’s residence, but due to the fact that one has not been appointed yet, we have had to move location and change the speaker. The meeting now will be held at Branksome Crest, 12th floor function room. The time and date remains the same, January 12th and the time 10AM – 12 Noon.


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