17 April 2010

Meeting Minutes - March 2010

March 2010 Minutes

The March meeting of the HK LWV was held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Debra Joyce, President welcomed members and introduced guests.
The business portion of the meeting commenced with Debra asking Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary, to read the minutes of the February 2010 meeting. Robin Ernest made two corrections: The guest from the Consulate General’s office was Casey Graham, not Casey Welch, and the co-hostess for the February meeting was Marti Law, not Robin Ernest. The corrected minutes were approved.

Debra reported that the nominating committee is in the process of preparing a slate of officers for the election of new officers for the coming year.

Programs for the upcoming year have been scheduled, but hostesses and venues are needed for many of the meetings. Debra will circulate the programs for membership review. Members were encouraged to sign up as hostesses where needed.

Member Regine Pocsatko. asked for clarification of the membership year. Debra responded that it goes from September through May.

Jason Wordie is the guest speaker for the April meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.


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