28 September 2007

April Meeting Minutes

APRIL 8, 2007

The monthly meeting for the League was held at the home of Michelin Tait. Susan Wallace opened the meeting with an introduction of our speaker, Sze Lai Shan.

Sze Lai Shan is a member of the Society for Community Organization (SoCO), founded in 1972. Sze is a graduate of the Baptist University in Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. Sze was voted ‘outstanding Social Worker’ in 1995. SoCO has organized community social actions and civic education programs to encourage grassroots people to fight for their rights and social justice. SoCO’s dream is making “all members of the human family equal”.

Nancy Ryback, our treasurer presented a $4,000 HK cheque to SoCO on behalf of the League. Susan Wallace then thanked Sze for her most informative talk and presented her with a ‘thankyou gift’.

The business meeting was then turned over to Nancy Ryback. Nancy has asked for someone willing to stand as President of the League for the upcoming year. At this point we have all positions filled with the exception of President.

Anita Chopra discussed the need for all members to become familiar with our amended By-laws. Any changes or questions should be e-mailed to her prior to our May annual meeting. The new By-laws will be voted upon at that time.

A roster was passed around for Hostess volunteers for next year’s meetings. Janet Mager offered to host our Christmas luncheon again next year.

Susan informed us that our last meeting of the year would be held at the Convention Centre on Tuesday, May 8th. This will be our 30th anniversary.

Lunch followed for those available at Café Deco on The Peak.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelin Tait


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