16 March 2006

Pakistan Culture and Traditions: Minutes and Pictures

League of Women Voters Meeting – March 14, 2006

The League met today at the home of Nancy Ryback at 10:00.
This is now the “official” meeting time instead of 9:30.

Beth Hall, president, welcomed Linda Harrison, a returning
League member. Linda has just moved back to Hong Kong
after living in Jakarta for 3 ½ years.

Beth also announced that Cindy Carver, membership chairman,
will be moving back to the States at the end of March. Cindy
has developed a wonderfully informative website for the League
and she would like to train someone to take it over before she
leaves Hong Kong.

Hostess sign up sheets and program volunteer sheets for 2006-
2007 were passed around to the members. Members were urged to

participate as a hostess for one of the monthly meetings or program
coordinator for a monthly meeting.

Rehana Sheikh, one of our members, presented a fascinating
program on “Pakistan: Culture and Traditions, Old and New”.

Pictures from the discussion can be found here.

The next meeting is Tuesday, April 11.

03 March 2006

March Meeting Announcement

League of Women Voters- Hong Kong Meeting

Tuesday, the 14 of March
From 10:00 to 12:00
(please note the meeting will be starting at 10:00)

Special Speaker:

Rehana Sheikh
Pakistan: Culture and Traditions, Old and New

RSVP by March 10, 2006
for location details
Email: lwv.hongkong@gmail.com