03 April 2008

March 2008 Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2008

The League of Women Voter’s meeting was held at the CNN Headquarters, 30/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay.

Catherine Steven’s husband, Hugh Stevens was our host for the morning. Members were taken on a tour of the Control Room during a live broadcasting. A briefing provided by Hugh explaining Time Warner Asia policies, issues, brands, etc followed this. There was a question and answer opportunity following. Photos from the CNN tour can be found here (Click on CNN Tour March 2008).

Beth Hall, our Vice President thanked both Catherine & Hugh for
making this event possible, presenting a thank you gift.

Lunch followed at Butterfield’s restaurant.

There was no business discussed.

Our next meeting will be held at the home of Robin Ernest, Tuesday, April 8th, 2008.

February 2008 Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2007

The League meeting was held at the home of Eva Deffenbaugh in Mid Levels, Hong Kong.

Eva Deffenbaugh, President, introduced our Speaker, Phil Warner of Crossroads International. Phil Warner is a
Public Relations officer with Crossroads, having worked with them for six years. Phil explained the philosophy
of this Charitable organization as, “Where need and resource meet.” Crossroads works both locally in Hong Kong
and Globally distributing high quality donated goods where needed that might otherwise be discarded to the landfill

Phil’s presentation was followed by a questiong and answer period. Eva thanked Phil for his time, presenting him
(Crossroads) with a Lycee envelope from LGW and from the individual members.

A brief Business meeting followed:

The March 11th League mtg. will be held at the CNN headquarters here in Hong
Kong, with a tour provided by Hugh Stevens. Lunch will follow, for those available, at Butterfields.
The April 8th League mtg. will be held at Robin Ernest’s home on Tregunter Path. Our Speaker, yet to be
determined will make a presentation co-ordinated with the Consul General of Mexico, on Immigration issues.
Beth Hall has further information.
League meeting dates for 2008-09 are already established. We will be organizing Presenters and Hostesses
for these dates. A list of topics were suggested by Beth Hall, Vice President, that individual members could choose from and present themselves, rather than having Speakers come from the ‘outside’ for every mtg. Eva will e-mail this List out to members.
The May 8th League mtg will be held in the Congress Room at the Hong Kong Convention Centre. Susan
Wallace has kindly offered to organize. General Elections will be held at this time.
Voter Services head, Anita Chopra informed the membership that while it was not too late to register for
The General Election. Members can contact her for further information.
Beth Hall, head of our Nominating Committee, announced that the slate of officers for 2008-09 is ready to
be voted on at our General Meeting.

Our meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments celebrating both the League’s 88th birthday and Chinese
New Year, all thoughtfully prepared by our hostess, Eva Deffenbaugh.

January 2008 Meeting Minutes

The January 8, 2008 meeting of the League of Women Voters-Hong Kong Unit met at the home of Robin Ernest. President Eva Deffenbaugh welcomed all in attendance and thanked Robin Ernest for hosting the meeting in her home.

President Eva Deffenbaugh introduced Jamie Donahoe from the Heritage Conservation Network. Jamie Donahoe presented information on the growth of the preservation movement. The preservation movement began in the United States in 1853 with saving historical buildings and has evolved into a worldwide movement. Jamie Donahoe is currently working on heritage conservation projects in Ghana, Bangladesh, Canada, Latvia, Greece, Italy and England. President Eva Deffenbaugh thanked Jamie Donahoe for her informative presentation with a gift as a token of the League’s appreciation.

President Eva Deffenbaugh informed the membership that the Nominating Committee would be accepting nominations from the floor for the 2008-2009 Board positions. A list of 2008-2009 meeting dates was circulated for members to sign up to present a program or host a meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Hall
Vice President

December 2007 Holiday Luncheon

The League of Women Voter’s held their annual holiday luncheon at Hong Kong’s Hospitality Industry Training and Development Center (HITDC) in Pokfulam.

Members and guests were taken on a tour of the hotel training facility and the Chinese Cuisine Training Institute. Their expansive kitchen complex included four separate and distinct Chinese cuisine training kitchens. Scott Rutledge was our host. Photos from the December luncheon can be found here (click on HITDC December 2007 ).

There was no business discussed.