September 2009 Meeting Minutes
The Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters met at 10:00am on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, in the Pacific Club’s Chairman’s Room.
Thirteen members were present and enjoyed a delicious brunch provide by the League.
Debra Joyce, League President, opened the meeting by welcoming two guests, Chris Exline, the guest speaker and Beverly Suun, guest of Robin Ernest.
Robin Ernest, League Vice President, introduced Chris Exline, the guest speaker. Mr. Exline is the president of Home Essentials and chairman of Republicans Abroad.
Following Mr. Exline’s informative and entertaining talk, the president began the business meeting.
Marti Law was thanked for her hard work last year as League Vice President.
Susan Wallace read the minutes from the 32nd Annual General Meeting held on May 12, 2009. Susan Vermeulen made the motion to accept the minutes and Anita Chopra seconded the motion.
The president announced that Adrienne Urbanec, the League secretary, has moved to Singapore. Phyllis Lubbers has volunteered to take over that position.
The League board members then made brief reports. Robin Ernest, Vice President, passed out to the members a list of meeting dates, hostesses and topics for 2009-2010. She asked that members to volunteer where hostesses or co-hostesses were still needed. The next meeting speaker will be Anita To from “Save the Children”. Rachel
Monballiu offered to co-host. A venue is still needed.
Robin Brown, League Treasurer, reported that the League has $6,250.99 in the checking account and $19,383.42 in the saving account.
She stated that $11,948 was approved as the budget for the year and that $2,018 had been spent thus far. Robin Ernest made the motion to approve and Beth Hall seconded.
Susan Vermeleun, Membership Chairman, announced that all 13 members present had paid their Hong Kong and National dues. There are 29 on the email list at the moment. Beth Hall requested that the current contact list be updated and sent out to the membership. The president noted that she and Beth had attended the HKIS New Parent Coffee and interested persons from the coffee would be added to the email list. Members were also reminded that there is a cut off date for dues to be paid.
Sandra Collins de Lange, Voter Registration, gave a brief report on highlights of the National League’s “Voice on Line”. She stated that now the main issue is health care legislation. She urged members to contact their local politicians to let their views be known. Sandra also suggested that members read the “Voice on Line” to keep up with the issues being stressed by National League.
Amy van Laak , Recording Secretary, was absent from the meeting. In her absence, the president urged members to check the League website as Amy is updating it often with pictures and information.
The president then recognized Anita Chopra, long time active League member, for all she had done for the League. Anita is moving back to the States at the end of the month. A thank you/goodbye gift was presented to Anita from the League.
As the meeting was finished, the President asked for a motion to adjourn. Anita Chopra made the motion ad Susan Vermeulen seconded.
The next meeting is Tuesday, October 13.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Wallace
Acting Secretary