Meeting Minutes - April 2010
Minutes for League of Women Voters Meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters met at the home of Jane Buck on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.
President, Debra Joyce, called the meeting to order at 10:30am.
Debra thanked Jane Buck and Robin Brown for co-hosting. Robin Brown was asked to introduce her guest, Amy Vonk. Debra then asked Robin Ernest to read the minutes from the March meeting in Phyllis Lubbers absence. The minutes were approved, as read. Bunny Chaney motioned to approve first and Robin Ernest seconded.
Debra asked Beth Hall for a report from the Nominating Committee. Beth spoke on behalf of the rest of the committee, Sandra Collins- de- Lange and Phyllis Lubbers and asked for an extension of one week given the fact that there was an Easter break and members had been traveling. Beth also reported that there are still two (2) vacancies that need to be filled and they hope to have this completed by the end of the week. A motion was made to grant the extension with a 1st from Robin Ernest and a second by Amy Van Laak.
A list of suggested programs was distributed along with the proposed new budget for the upcoming 2010 – 2011 year. Debra asked for the members to review and sign up to co host if there was availability and to be prepared to approve these two items at the Annual General Meeting in May along with the new slate of officers. There was a brief discussion about the changes to the budget and the need for the restructuring and changes the Board made. Robin Brown gave a Treasurer’s report. Currently, there is $30,934.41 in the combined checking and savings account with expenditures being $5,318.00 YTD. Debra noted that we expect to be a little under budget at the end of the year and there will be approximately $25,000 remaining in the combined accounts after the National dues are paid.
Debra announced that the Board had approved a donation of $7,750.00HK to UNICEF earmarked for Relief in Haiti. Debra further explained that the Consulate had been contacted and this was their recommendation of a trust worthy group. This will not leave the League treasury in a bind, but will still leave a balance to build on in order to prepare for our contribution to Election Central in 2013. Debra concluded that the money is just sitting there and the League does not need an emergency fund. By doing this Debra feels that it would set an example for other organizations and clubs here in Hong Kong. A motion was made to approve this donation with a first approval by Marti Law and a second by Robin Brown.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Robin Ernest and seconded by Jane Buck at 10:45.
At this time Jane Buck introduced our Guest Speaker, Jason Wordie.
Respectfully submitted by,
Marjorie O’Brien / Debra Joyce