19 May 2010

May 11, 2010 - Annual General Meeting

Minutes for the Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters of the United States of America
33rd Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center

The May meeting of the Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters was held at the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Center on May 11, 2010. Debra Joyce, President, called the meeting to order at 11:30 AM. Debra welcomed all members, and went over the agenda for the meeting. The first item of business was the presentation of a check from the HK LWV to UNICEF. The donation is to be used for relief efforts in the recent earthquake in Mainland China.

Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary, read the minutes of the April 2010 meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Phyllis then read the minutes of the Annual Meeting held May 2009. These minutes were approved as read.

Debra Joyce distributed the President’s Report and read it aloud to the membership. She ended her report with a heartfelt thank you to the Board of Directors for their encouragement and support during her tenure as President.

Robin Brown, Treasurer, read the treasurer’s report, which was approved as read.

Member Regine Pocsatko asked how UNICEF was selected for the League donation. Debra responded by saying it had been presented and discussed at the March meeting, and voted on at the April 2010 meeting. Debra also stated that monies are built into the budget for donations, and that members may nominate charities for consideration.

Robin Ernest, Vice President, then reported on the programs scheduled for 2010-11; however, there is a need for a program and hostesses for the April 2011 meeting. Debra suggested that the April meeting be some sort of volunteer activity for the membership.

A vote was taken to approve the programs for 2010-11 and was passed unanimously.

Regine Pocsatko wanted to know what the ultimate goal for membership is; i.e., Is there a desirable number of members? Debra responded that a membership of 30 would be desirable but that it should not be limited to that number. Mary Quinn wanted to know how large the membership has been in the past. Beth Hall said there were 39 members in 2006-07.

Debra Joyce again took the opportunity to thank the 2009-2010 board and advisors for all their help and encouragement. She presented small tokens of her appreciation to the members and advisors of the board.

The 2010-11 Slate of Officers was announced and is as follows:

Position Nominee

President Beth Hall
Vice President Loretta Cox
Recording Secretary Phyllis Lubbers
Treasurer Sandra Collins-de-Lange
Membership Marti Law
Web Communication Amy Van Laak
Voter Services Bunny Chaney

No additional nominations were offered from the floor, and the Slate was voted on and passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 PM and lunch was served in the Congress Room. Champagne glasses were raised to recognize the 33rd anniversary of the League of Women Voters of the United States-Hong Kong Unit. A beautiful flower arrangement was presented to Debra, as outgoing President, with thanks from the membership.

Submitted by Phyllis Lubbers
Recording Secretary