28 October 2010

October 2010 - Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the League of Women Voters of Hong Kong

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Residence of Marti Law

The October meeting of the Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters was held at the residence of member Marti Law on October 12, 2010. Beth Hall, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00AM. Beth welcomed all members, and then began the program. Mr. David Kosnoff, Democrat, and Mr. Chris Exline, representing the Republicans Abroad, shared their views on relevant political issues in the US. A question and answer session followed with Ms Sabrina Maguire representing the Democrats Abroad, as Mr. Kosnoff had to leave due to a prior commitment.

A brief business meeting followed the program. Phyllis Lubbers, Recording Secretary, read the minutes of the September 2010 meeting. The minutes were approved as read. Sandra Collins De Lange, Treasurer, presented a treasurer’s report, and they were approved as read. Marti Law, Membership Chair, had no report, but said membership applications were available for the membership to distribute to friends, and anyone who might be interested in joining the League. Bunny Chaney, Voter Services, recently attended the HKIS Welcome Back Coffee where she had a table with information about the LWV. She was also able to provide information in procedures for voting overseas at AWA CHAT. Patricia Lloyd representing the AWA Education and Scholarship Committee noted how pleased AWA is to be partnered with the LWV, and reminded the membership that all fund-raising money goes directly to the specific charity.

Beth Hall reminded members that the November meeting will be held on November 23rd instead of the second Tuesday.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:05.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Lubbers
Recording Secretary

September 2010 Meeting Minutes

League of Women Voters, Hong Kong Unit
Welcome Back Coffee and Meeting
Residence of the Consul General; 3 Barker Road, Hong Kong
September 14th 2010 10AM

Amy Vonk, Fiona Ekkebus, Sandra Collins de Lange, Marti Law, Johnna Kosnoff,, Lisa Pittman, Vanessa Butterfield, Mary Conlon, Michelle Gustin, Kathleen Carlson, Keri Pennabaker, Fabienne Bertrand, Fran Ballard, Tamera Pacton, Beth Hall, Loretta Cox, Wendy Maize, Robin Brown, Rosann Kao, Sharon Vipond, and 9 HKIS students.
Beth Hall opened the meeting with a short introduction of Stephan Young, Consul General of the Untied States in Hong Kong.
Consul General Young gave a short talk outlining his experiences and describing his duties in Hong Kong. He emphasized his love of promoting and encouraging democracy. At the conclusion of his talk, a question and answer period ensued.
At the conclusion of Mr. Young’s talk, Beth Hall began the meeting by welcoming all attendees, and encouraged membership and participation. Beth gave a short history of the LWV in Hong Kong, and introduced the League of Women Voters Board. Beth also gave special recognition to the nine HKIS students, and their counselor, Ms. Kao.
Beth introduced Lisa Pittman as our resource for all voting information. Lisa described the MOVE act and described the voting process for citizens abroad. She reminded us that the Consul General’s office has Federal write-in ballots, and that most states provide electronic ballots with receipt of those ballots to be 45 days before the election. A voter must register each year to receive a ballot.
Beth made two announcements about upcoming events. The first was a lecture about Pakistani women living in Hong Kong, and the other was the partnership between the AWA and the LWV in promoting the Education and Scholarship drive for 2010-2011.
LWV Photo albums were available for browsing.
Loretta Cox asked for program ideas and/or partnerships.
Rosann Kao asked for more partnership opportunities with the LWV with her HKIS students.
Beth Hall closed the meeting with the announcement that the next meeting will be October 12th.