30 September 2007

September Meeting Minutes

The Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters met Thursday, September 20, 2007 at the home of Leslie Cunningham.

President Eva Deffenbaugh presided over the meeting. There were 22 members present.

Eva began the meeting by introducing the League Board members.
Members briefly introduced themselves.

The program was presented by Rehana Sheikh. Rehana has been a member of the League since 1990. She gave the membership a perspective of her 17 years in the Hong Kong League. She shared an email with the group from Mary Leventhal, one of the founding members of the League. The members enjoyed Rehana’s memorabilia and memories from her years as a member.

A brief business meeting followed.

Eva reminded the members of the change in dues to HK$400 ($200 to the Hong Kong League and $200 to the National League).

Anita Chopra, Voter Registration chairman, reminded the members that upon paying dues the members would begin receiving update emails from the National League. She also reminded the group that the League president no longer has to be a U.S. citizen. Nominations for the National Board can be made on the National League website www.lwv.org until September 30. Anita also reminded members that she has the absentee ballot forms to register with each of the 50 states for the 2008 election.

Eva reminded members that there are openings in the calendar for volunteers to organize the programs for the Jan.8, Feb 12 and April 8 meetings.

The next meeting will be October 9 at Branksome Crest with Linda Harrison as hostess. Our speaker will be from the “Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services”. This program will give us an insight into the challenges faced by disabled persons in Hong Kong.

The November meeting is scheduled for November 6. Heather Goessel is hostess with Robin Pascoe author of Raising Global Nomads as the speaker.

The holiday luncheon on December 10 will be hosted by Janet Mager at the Culinary Institute in Pokfulam.

In celebration of the Hong Kong League’s 30th anniversary, Rehana led the members in a champagne toast.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan WallaceActing Secretary

28 September 2007

May 2007 - 30th Annual General Meeting


Susan Wallace, the League President, called our meeting to order. Terry Silk, a prospective new member was welcomed.

Michelin Tait, the League Secretary, read the Minutes from the 29th Annual General Meeting. Najda Gisler made the motion to accept the Minutes as read, Robin Ernest seconded. The motion passed.

Susan outlined our meetings from 2006-07, including Speakers and locations. A review was given of the League’s role re: Election Central. Recognition was given to HKIS for storing of materials until recently when Asian Tigers generously took over this role, with no charge.

Susan spoke to the changes that occurred within the Board during the year: the position of Secretary shifting from Michelle Todd to Michelin Tait; the position of Membership/Communication shifting to Robin Ernest from Adrienne Urbanac. Susan then thanked the present Board and presented each with a gift.

Anita Chopra, Voter Services Representative, spoke of the Proposed By-Law amendments. There were none. The motion to accept the By-Laws was made by Anita Chopra and seconded by Janet Mager. The motion passed.

Nancy Ryback, League Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report and Budget for 2006-07. We currently have 36 paid members. Robin Ernest made a motion to accept the current Budget. Beth Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Susan Wallace spoke to the members regarding our joining the National League in the U.S. The Board has decided that for the coming year all local members will be required to join our National League, recognizing the supportive and beneficial role that they play. The dues will be: $200HK for Local and $200HK for National membership. Susan asked Anita to cover the National League’s News.

Susan Wallace invited Nancy Ryback to present our nominees for the Board for 2007-08. They are:
President – Eva Deffenbaugh
Vice President – Beth Hall
Treasurer – Lynn Nil
Secretary – Michelin Tait
Voter Services – Anita Chopra
Membership/Communications – Robin Ernest
Communications – Amy Van Laak

A vote was taken to accept the new Board. A motion was made by Marlene Benzmiller to accept the nominees, seconded by Catherine Stephens. The motion passed.

Susan Wallace introduced our new President, Eva Deffenbaugh. Eva spoke briefly regarding our calendar of events for 2007-08. Nancy Ryback made a suggestion that co-hosting for event locations would be beneficial.

Anita Chopra, Voters Services, presented our President, Susan Wallace with a thank you gift for her excellent job this past year.

A motion was made to adjourn by Lynn Nill, seconded by Janet Mager. A vote was taken by the membership to accept. Motion passed.

Lunch followed the meeting with a toast to recognize the 30th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Unit of the League of Women Voters.

April Meeting Minutes

APRIL 8, 2007

The monthly meeting for the League was held at the home of Michelin Tait. Susan Wallace opened the meeting with an introduction of our speaker, Sze Lai Shan.

Sze Lai Shan is a member of the Society for Community Organization (SoCO), founded in 1972. Sze is a graduate of the Baptist University in Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. Sze was voted ‘outstanding Social Worker’ in 1995. SoCO has organized community social actions and civic education programs to encourage grassroots people to fight for their rights and social justice. SoCO’s dream is making “all members of the human family equal”.

Nancy Ryback, our treasurer presented a $4,000 HK cheque to SoCO on behalf of the League. Susan Wallace then thanked Sze for her most informative talk and presented her with a ‘thankyou gift’.

The business meeting was then turned over to Nancy Ryback. Nancy has asked for someone willing to stand as President of the League for the upcoming year. At this point we have all positions filled with the exception of President.

Anita Chopra discussed the need for all members to become familiar with our amended By-laws. Any changes or questions should be e-mailed to her prior to our May annual meeting. The new By-laws will be voted upon at that time.

A roster was passed around for Hostess volunteers for next year’s meetings. Janet Mager offered to host our Christmas luncheon again next year.

Susan informed us that our last meeting of the year would be held at the Convention Centre on Tuesday, May 8th. This will be our 30th anniversary.

Lunch followed for those available at Café Deco on The Peak.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelin Tait

March 2007 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order @ 2:30pm following lunch at “Spices” Restaurant. Beth Hall, Susan Wallace, Nancy Ryback and Anita Chopra were present.

Nancy Ryback, treasurer, presented the 2007-2008 Budget. It was approved.

A suggestion was also made to ask Marjorie O’Brien to take the position of treasurer next year as Nancy will be returning to the United States.

A proposal was made to send a cheque to National for dues and ask for a receipt. We have never received a receipt in the past. We still have not received a bill from National but they need to be paid before we change officers in June.

The Board also decided to make a charitable donation this year for HK $4,000 out of surplus funds. The Board members present decided that the donation be made to SoCo as a SoCo representative will be speaking at the April meeting. They are an excellent Hong Kong charity. The cheque will be presented after the Speaker finishes her presentation.

The meeting was adjourned at 3pm.